Thursday, August 23, 2007

An Investment in Failure

From Thomas Sowell:

...It is not just in Iraq that the political left has an investment in failure. Domestically as well as internationally, the left has long had a vested interest in poverty and social malaise...

...Despite whatever the left may say, or even believe, about their concern for the poor, their actual behavior shows their interest in the poor to be greatest when the poor can be used as a focus of the left's denunciations of society...

...When the poor stop being poor, they lose the attention of the left. What actions on the part of the poor, or what changes in the economy, have led to drastic reductions in poverty seldom arouse much curiosity, much less celebration...

Read the whole article here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He did not know what injury she might have sustained; She might have been seriously hurt, if not actually killed.. Ellsworth, I believe, politely said Mr.. It does nothing but prepare the matter for condensation and displacement, and refashions it for dramatization, to which must be added the inconstant last-named mechanism--that of explanatory elaboration.. As far as we can normally become conscious of our mental processes, even during the night, in so far we are not asleep.. Then the scene changed, and no longer a green meadow with boys playing, but a spot which I did not recognize, and forms that made me shudder or smile.. That was very kind in you, sir, said Mrs.. A large number of dreams, often full of fear, which are concerned with passing through narrow spaces or with staying, in the water, are based upon fancies about the embryonic life, about the sojourn in the mother's womb, and about the act of birth.. The Colonel spent that afternoon in making diplomatic inquiries.. But age, as he used to say with a smile of immortal youth, is a matter of feeling, not of years.. Ochterlong did not observe, and plunged into the tide of explanation, Dennis listening like a prime-minister, and bowing like a mandarin--which is, I suppose, the same thing.. We see now that this is possible in case dream-disfigurement has taken place, in case the disagreeable content serves only as a disguise for what is wished.. The intensities of the individual ideas become capable of discharge in their entirety, and, proceeding from one conception to the other, they thus form single presentations endowed with marked intensity.. We shall have to abide by our first decision, said Mrs.. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as they plunged at terrific speed down a steep grade.. This one might have seen as many years as had Major Talbot.. By all means! Both men felt an anxious yawning in the region of the appetite, and a yearning moisture wetted their tongues.. My friends seemed to think it was I; but I felt, that, as Dennis had done the popular thing, he was entitled to the honor; so I sent him to Augusta when the time came, and he took the oaths.. The blonde matron had just swept her eyes across the daughter's skirt, estimating the fit and material of it with contempt so artistically veiled that it could almost be understood in the dark.. To the suggestion of the slave whom he had in charge for the time being that the articles be laid aside until he had finished, he would not listen.. Clutching their hats, they slunk into the dining-room...

2:09 PM  

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