Monday, November 14, 2005

So Teachers Can Easily Opt Out?

So according to the teacher unions in recent months, it is easy for teachers to Opt Out of having their money taken out of their paychecks for political purposes.

If that is the case, then we should see a surge of Opt Outs in coming months.
According to economist Garry Galles:

Those union workers who disagree with union politics,but have not opted out, should now do so, to see just how easy it really is. If there are no problems, those workers will have gained in the same manner as if Proposition 75 had passed. However, if opting out is not as easy as advertised, the incidents of pressure, stalling, misinformation, "lost" documents, accounting tricks, etc., involved can reveal to everyone that union leaders were knowingly lying.

And opening up any such abusive and illegal tactics to the sunshine of scrutiny could be the lever that turns those lies into the truth, benefiting a large number of union members.

Read the whole article here.


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