Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Wal-Mart Bashing is so 2002

The efforts at exposing Wal-Mart as an exploiter of labor has pretty much faded into the limelight as the facts were reveleaed that 90% of Wal-Mart employees have health insurance coverage (either through the company or a spouse's plan) and that the low prices offered by the giant store chain benefits tens, if not hundreds of millions of lower and middle income families.
(not to mention the obvious fact that Wal-Mart employees are not slaves and CHOOSE to work there, and that many of them, particularly in small towns, had no jobs prior to employment at Wal-Mart).

The attacks are being reinvigorated with an embarrassing Farenheit 9/11 style documentary being developed by liberal movie producer Robert Greenwald, who also did Outfoxed.

Just like the unfortunate true history of liberal activism in this century, this movie, if successful, will end up greatly hurting the people it is supposed to be helping.


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