The Predictable Media Response to The Presidents Speech
As explained nicely in the Captain's Quarters blog.
How long can this type of sloppy journalism last?
If we're going to debate, please bring the numbers ....
As explained nicely in the Captain's Quarters blog.
This property tax surge in California won't go on forever as explained here.
Daniel Weintraub notes that Sacramento County will soon enjoy their 3rd year of double-digit property tax growth.
"This will be our third year of double-digit property-tax growth," said Geoff Davey, the county's chief financial officer. "It's been a long time since we have seen that. I don't know if it has ever occurred."
Read the whole commentary here.
Some new interesting comments from Kudlow's Money Politic$,, and Students For Saving Social Security.
The only sure way to take the first step in reducing healthcare costs generally involve making workers responsible for a portion of those costs. If a worker pays nothing out of his own pocket, he will of course, utilize as much "free" healthcare as possible - whether it is medically NECESSARY or not. Kausfiles points this problem out with regards to GM's healthcare issues.
Rumsfeld on Guantanamo during an interview with radio host Michael Smerconish:
The bigger picture being missed is that any politician or human rights organization who spends one single second worrying about Gitmo is doing nothing but making partisan political attacks because they are ignoring the real slaughter and oppression going on in North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Sudan, Zimbabwe and so on.
I swear I came up with this idea over a decade ago. Provide individuals who love paying high taxes the opportunity to do so by choice. It is simply brilliant and upholds every principal America stands for - including individual choice, fairness, compassion for the less fortunate, safety nets and many more.
Rich Lowry commentary last week:
As expected, substantially less than the unions claim of $80mm and the $100mm claim made by other serial liars.
From Stephen Moore in The Wall Street Journal:
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
A private education market will revolutionize schooling. Since 1970, education spending per pupil has roughly doubled - yet students rank lower in international comparisons, dropout rates remain high, and SAT scores are flat to down.
From Kudlow's Money Politic$:
Commentary from Ted Balaker at the Reason Foundation.
How can L.A. Times business columnist Michael Hiltzik recommend, or even have a discussion on tax increases, without first discussing the inefficiencies, wastefulness, and often outright fraudulent nature of California governmental spending.
Interesting article from the L.A. Times on the nature of socialism in one of France's most prominent industries.
For those of you not following the blogging world, the new celebrity filled Huffington Post almost showcases sports commentator Jim Lampley and his ultra-liberal, often non-sensical commentaries.
The efforts at exposing Wal-Mart as an exploiter of labor has pretty much faded into the limelight as the facts were reveleaed that 90% of Wal-Mart employees have health insurance coverage (either through the company or a spouse's plan) and that the low prices offered by the giant store chain benefits tens, if not hundreds of millions of lower and middle income families.